About 120 children were killed daily at Auschwitz
About 120 children are killed every day by ISRAEL Stop WAR CRIMES and GENOCIDE Your Seeds Source...
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Chilean Haplopappus species are extremely easy to germinate. We have tried to germinate several species, both from extreme north, center, and mountain areas. The results are that they germinate very well and quickly without any cold stratification. You should soak the seeds for about 2 days in water and then plant them (cover with sand) at around 20ºC.
In case of Haplopappus rigidus the germination started after 24 hours after planting. Other Haplopappus have shown somewhat slower response, for instance, Haplopappus foliosus, Haplopappus taeda, and Haplopappus macrocephalus begin germination after 7 days.
We will run test with a few high mountain species, and we will report the results here later.