Sub Index Selector
Identification key sorted according to the plant characteristics starting with PETAL COLOR (Petal Color, Petal Number, Plant Type, Plant Height). This index is a general identification key for Chilean plants.
Red, 2 petals (17)
Red, 3 petals (3)
Red, 4 petals (22)
Red, 5 petals (140)
Red, 6 petals (84)
Red, 7 - 14 petals (33)
Red, 14 petals and more (14)
Red (38)
Yellow, 2 petals (34)
Yellow, 3 petals (6)
Yellow, 4 petals (41)
Yellow, 5 petals (219)
Yellow, 6 petals (36)
Yellow, 7 - 14 petals (58)
Yellow, 14 petals or more (165)
Yellow (48)
White, 2 petals (12)
White, 3 petals (10)
White, 4 petals (70)
White, 5 petals (307)
White, 6 petals (93)
White, 7 - 14 petals (39)
White, 14 petals and more (78)
White (53)
Blue, 2 petals (8)
Blue, 3 petals (5)
Blue, 4 petals (8)
Blue, 5 petals (131)
Blue, 6 petals (28)
Blue, 7 - 14 petals (7)
Blue, 14 petals or more (14)
Blue (8)
Green, 3 petals (10)
Green, 4 petals (15)
Green, 5 petals (21)
Green, 6 petals (26)
Green, 7 - 14 petals (3)
Green, 14 petals and more (2)
Green (23)
4 petals (1)
5 petals (3)
No info (803)
Plant Selector
Catalpa bignonioides H:20 cm.
Aristotelia chilensis H: 5 m.
Browningia candelaris H: 5 m.
Castanea sativa H: 10 m.
Citronella mucronata H: 12 m.
Lomatia hirsuta H: 15 m.
Austrocedrus chilensis H: 20 m.
Caldcluvia paniculata H: 20 m.
Peumus boldus H: 20 m.
Acacia melanoxylon H: 25 m.
Beilschmiedia miersii H: 25 m.
Weinmannia trichosperma H: 30 m.
Alternanthera halimifolia H:30 cm.
Polygala gnidioides H:40 cm.
ZZzz sp. #1735 H:40 cm.
Haageocereus fascicularis H:50 cm.
Argythamnia tricuspidata H:60 cm.
Eryngium paniculatum H: 1.50 m.
Teucrium bicolor H: 1.50 m.
Sphacele chamaedryoides H: 1.60 m.
Fabiana imbricata H: 2 m.
Orites myrtoidea H: 2 m.
Proustia cuneifolia H: 2 m.
Proustia ilicifolia H: 3 m.
Retanilla ephedra H: 3 m.
Escallonia angustifolia var. coquimbensis H: 3.50 m.
Cordia decandra No info
Werneria aretioides H:2 cm.
Drosera uniflora H:3 cm.
ZZzz sp. #1995 H:4 cm.
Polygala salasiana H:7 cm.
Nassauvia uniflora H:10 cm.
Phyla reptans H:20 cm.
Loasa filicifolia H:30 cm.
Tetilla hydrocotylifolia H:30 cm.
Adenocaulon chilense H:50 cm.
Tillandsia capillaris No info
Menonvillea minima H:3 cm.
Schizanthus pinnatus H:25 cm.
Schizanthus porrigens H:40 cm.
Schizanthus lacteus H:50 cm.
Fumaria parviflora H:60 cm.
Schizanthus candidus H:60 cm.
Polygala sp. #0852 H:5 cm.
Chaetanthera sp. H:8 cm.
Schizopetalon sp. #0073 H:20 cm.
Scrophulariaceae sp. #1178 H:40 cm.
Bartsia trixago H:60 cm.
Valeriana sp. #1254 H: 1.20 m.
Trevoa trinervis H: 3 m.
Tweedia birostrata No info