Sub Index Selector
Identification key sorted according to the plant characteristics starting with PETAL COLOR (Petal Color, Petal Number, Plant Type, Plant Height). This index is a general identification key for Chilean plants.
Red, 2 petals (17)
Red, 3 petals (3)
Red, 4 petals (22)
Red, 5 petals (140)
Red, 6 petals (84)
Red, 7 - 14 petals (33)
Red, 14 petals and more (14)
Red (38)
Yellow, 2 petals (34)
Yellow, 3 petals (6)
Yellow, 4 petals (41)
Yellow, 5 petals (219)
Yellow, 6 petals (36)
Yellow, 7 - 14 petals (58)
Yellow, 14 petals or more (165)
Yellow (48)
White, 2 petals (12)
White, 3 petals (10)
White, 4 petals (70)
White, 5 petals (307)
White, 6 petals (93)
White, 7 - 14 petals (39)
White, 14 petals and more (78)
White (53)
Blue, 2 petals (8)
Blue, 3 petals (5)
Blue, 4 petals (8)
Blue, 5 petals (131)
Blue, 6 petals (28)
Blue, 7 - 14 petals (7)
Blue, 14 petals or more (14)
Blue (8)
Green, 3 petals (10)
Green, 4 petals (15)
Green, 5 petals (21)
Green, 6 petals (26)
Green, 7 - 14 petals (3)
Green, 14 petals and more (2)
Green (23)
4 petals (1)
5 petals (3)
No info (803)
Plant Selector
Dasyphyllum diacanthoides H: 18 m.
Lucilia nivea H:5 cm.
Nassauvia lagascae H:5 cm.
Nassauvia revoluta H:15 cm.
Asteraceae sp. #2011 H:30 cm.
Baccharis magellanica H:30 cm.
Baccharis sp. #1327 H:30 cm.
Asteraceae sp. #1779 H:40 cm.
Baccharis sp. #1008 H:40 cm.
Diplostephium cinereum H:40 cm.
Gutierrezia gayana H:50 cm.
Nassauvia axillaris H:50 cm.
Senecio sp. H:50 cm.
Baccharis sagittalis H:60 cm.
Polyachyrus carduoides H:60 cm.
Baccharis neaei H:80 cm.
Baccharis sp. #1481 H:100 cm.
Bahia ambrosoides H:100 cm.
Centaurea chilensis H:100 cm.
Centaurea sp. #1196 H:100 cm.
Centaurea floccosa H: 1.20 m.
Gypothamnium pinifolium H: 1.20 m.
Ageratina glechonophylla H: 1.50 m.
Asteraceae sp. #2092 H: 1.50 m.
Asteraceae sp. #2094 H: 1.50 m.
Baccharis boliviensis H: 1.50 m.
Baccharis linearis H: 1.50 m.
Baccharis macraei H: 1.50 m.
Baccharis rhomboidalis H: 1.50 m.
Baccharis sp. #1692 H: 1.50 m.
Senecio murorum H: 1.50 m.
Aristeguietia salvia H: 2 m.
Asteraceae sp. #1890 H: 2 m.
Baccharis alnifolia H: 2 m.
Baccharis marginalis H: 3 m.
Baccharis racemosa H: 3 m.
Baccharis scandens H: 3 m.
Baccharis salicifolia H: 4 m.
Baccharis sphaerocephala H: 4 m.
Chaptalia exscapa H:3 cm.
Antennaria chilensis H:5 cm.
Asteraceae sp. #2065 H:5 cm.
Hypochaeris taraxacoides H:5 cm.
Erigeron leptopetalus H:8 cm.
Leucheria scrobiculata H:8 cm.
Bellis perennis H:10 cm.
Leucheria candidissima H:10 cm.
Urmenetea atacamensis H:10 cm.
Erigeron sp. #1307 H:15 cm.
Nassauvia argentea H:15 cm.
Senecio sp. #1525 H:15 cm.
Perezia pupurata H:2' cm.
Asteraceae sp. #2039 H:20 cm.
Carpobrotus aequilaterus H:20 cm.
Erigeron gilliesii H:20 cm.
Perezia recurvata H:20 cm.
Senecio trifurcatus H:20 cm.
Trifolium repens H:20 cm.
Nassauvia pyramidalis H:25 cm.
Aster vahlii H:30 cm.
Gnaphalium philippii H:30 cm.
Leucheria daucifolia H:50 cm.
Perezia nutans H:80 cm.
Leucheria lithospermifolia H:100 cm.
Leucheria runcinata H:100 cm.
Leucheria gilliesii H: 1.20 m.
Aster squamatus H: 1.50 m.
Chaetanthera lycopodioides H:5 cm.
Chaetanthera sp. #1355 H:5 cm.
Chaetanthera incana H:10 cm.
Moscharia pinnatifida H:100 cm.
Copiapoa humilis ssp. humilis H:5 cm.
Eriosyce taltalensis ssp. pygmaea H:5 cm.
Eriosyce paucicostata H:15 cm.
Chaetanthera revoluta H:5 cm.
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum H:5 cm.
Chaetanthera sp. #1344 H:8 cm.