A new population of Anemone moorei Espinosa

Anemone moorei Espinosa is known to grow only in one very restricted area near Vilches. According to Flora de Chile, p. 44. the location is given as latitude 35º36', at 500 m. above sea level; in oral communication prof. José San Martin indicated that they are also aware of only one location, but at an elevation of about 1000 m. close to Hotel Quemado in Vilches (Laguna de Los Patos).

Independently, in January 2006 we have discovered another location not far from that site at El Morillo Private Park, also at an altitude of 1000 m. (this location is about 4 km. away in straight line from the site of Hotel Quemado.) At that time we did not realize the importance of that plant nor have we identified it then. The population is located on a steep south-facing slope which is somewhat more exposed to light than the primary site and which has a lot of loose gravel on the surface and much less organic matter. We have not done an estimate of the population strength, which is rather important, considering the fact that the primary site has only about 200 known plants.

Anemone moorei Espinosa


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