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Buddleja globosa

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Estas semillas generalmente se recolectan en: enero

Bolsita de semillas:

bolsitaUS$ 7

Una bolsita de #Y contiene por lo menos 50 semillas.

This is a plant which is extremely easy to grow, quite resistant to cold, is medicinal, and has a nice, interesting appearance. It is ideally suited for the beginners if you want to start with Chilean plants.
Sow the seeds in autumn and they will automatically germinate. You can carry out a short cold stratification and then plant them at +20? C, although generally the cold stratification is not necessary. If you soak the seeds for 48 hours in cold water, you will increase the germination percentage. The seeds usually begin to germinate in about 10 days.. The only requirement for this plant is a lot of watering because in its natural habitat it grows on the borders of brooks. It tolerates a wide variety of soils, preferably with good drainage, from regular to organically rich, and somewhat acid soil.
Its main uses are ornamental and medicinal plant. Especially as the latter it is widely used in Chile and it is planted in many houses for this reason.