좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 50 cm.
Ochagavia carnea (Cardoncillo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
8미화달러 |
5 g.: |
24미화달러 |
10 g.: |
35미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
Oenothera acaulis (Don Diego de la noche, Rodalán, Colsilla, Hierba de la apostema)
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
1 g.: |
10미화달러 |
5 g.: |
28미화달러 |
10 g.: |
41미화달러 |
25 g.: |
82미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 2 m.
Orites myrtoidea (Radal enano)
This is an endangered and truly rare Chilean plant which few people have seen. It grows only in a few locations in Chile in very specific environmental conditions; what is more, in most locations there are just a few plants. But it is a truly amazing shrub, since it can grow in lava fields where no other tree or brush can grow. In the sping in flowers with beatiful densely-pacted flowers, and in autumn the fruits glow with reddish-brown color, contrasting with the green foliage and the blacklava. If you are looking for an exotic shrub which would reflect the spirit of the Chilean volcanic Andes, this is the plant to go for.
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
1 g.: |
10미화달러 |
50 g.: |
137미화달러 |
5 g.: |
28미화달러 |
100 g.: |
253미화달러 |
10 g.: |
41미화달러 |
250 g.: |
575미화달러 |
25 g.: |
82미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
2000미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 5 m.
Ovidia pillo-pillo (Pillo-pillo, Palo hediondo, Lloime)
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
1 g.: |
9미화달러 |
5 g.: |
25미화달러 |
10 g.: |
37미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 2 m.
Oxalis gigantea ()
패킷: |
12미화달러 |
1 g.: |
25미화달러 |
5 g.: |
111미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 20 m.
Peumus boldus (Boldo)
This tree produces edible fruits and has medicinal properties. However, it is very difficult to germinate (it may take up to 180 days and some experimenting with GA to get just a few percent of germination).
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
100 g.: |
38미화달러 |
250 g.: |
86미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 70 cm.
Phrodus microphyllus (Monte de burro)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
5 g.: |
8미화달러 |
10 g.: |
12미화달러 |
25 g.: |
25미화달러 |
50 g.: |
41미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 1.5 m.
Pintoa chilensis ()
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
7미화달러 |
5 g.: |
19미화달러 |
10 g.: |
29미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 3 m.
Podanthus mitiqui (Mitique, Palo negro)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
5 g.: |
7미화달러 |
100 g.: |
63미화달러 |
10 g.: |
10미화달러 |
250 g.: |
144미화달러 |
25 g.: |
20미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
500미화달러 |
50 g.: |
34미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 4 m.
Podanthus ovatifolius (Mitique, Palo negro)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
10 g.: |
7미화달러 |
250 g.: |
101미화달러 |
25 g.: |
14미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
350미화달러 |
50 g.: |
24미화달러 |
100 g.: |
44미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 20 m.
Podocarpus saligna (Mañío de hojas largas, Mañiú)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
5 g.: |
12미화달러 |
100 g.: |
114미화달러 |
10 g.: |
18미화달러 |
25 g.: |
37미화달러 |
50 g.: |
61미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 4 m.
Porlieria chilensis (Guayacán, Palo santo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
25 g.: |
8미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
200미화달러 |
50 g.: |
14미화달러 |
100 g.: |
25미화달러 |
250 g.: |
58미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 2 m.
Pouteria splendens (Lucumo silvestre)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
100 g.: |
25미화달러 |
250 g.: |
45미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
160미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 20 cm.
Prosopis tamarugo (Tamarugo)
This is probably the most extreme tree of the Chilean desert. It can grow where no other plant grows, and the tamarugales, or tamarugo forests, as they are locally known, present an eerie sight - hundreds and hundreds of trees with no other vegetation around...
This is due to the fact that these plants can reach very deeply into the ground with their roots and thus make use of underground water.
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
10 g.: |
9미화달러 |
250 g.: |
121미화달러 |
25 g.: |
17미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
420미화달러 |
50 g.: |
29미화달러 |
100 g.: |
52미화달러 |
좋은장식성 (아름다운식물) (A)
식물높이: 2.5 m.
Proustia cuneifolia (Huañil)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
10 g.: |
9미화달러 |
250 g.: |
121미화달러 |
25 g.: |
17미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
420미화달러 |
50 g.: |
29미화달러 |
100 g.: |
53미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 6 m.
Proustia pyrifolia (Tola blanca)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
25 g.: |
13미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
320미화달러 |
50 g.: |
22미화달러 |
100 g.: |
40미화달러 |
250 g.: |
92미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 2 m.
Pseudopanax valdiviensis (Traumen, Curaco, Voqui naranjillo)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
8미화달러 |
50 g.: |
116미화달러 |
5 g.: |
24미화달러 |
100 g.: |
215미화달러 |
10 g.: |
35미화달러 |
250 g.: |
489미화달러 |
25 g.: |
70미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
1700미화달러 |
평균장식성 (좀아름다운식물) (B)
식물높이: 50 cm.
Pteromonnina pterocarpa (Monina, Agua-rica)
패킷: |
7미화달러 |
5 g.: |
12미화달러 |
10 g.: |
18미화달러 |
25 g.: |
37미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 3 m.
Puya berteroniana (Puya, Chagual, Cardon, Magüey)
This plant is an excellent option for outdoor growing in colder climates (-5º C), one of few bromeliaceae that can withstand freezing temperatures. Combine that with a very strange appearance, big green flowers and you get a first-class ornamental"
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
7미화달러 |
50 g.: |
96미화달러 |
5 g.: |
19미화달러 |
100 g.: |
177미화달러 |
10 g.: |
29미화달러 |
250 g.: |
403미화달러 |
25 g.: |
57미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
1400미화달러 |
극단적인장식성 (매우아름다운식물) (A+)
식물높이: 5 m.
Puya chilensis (Puya, Chagual)
패킷: |
4미화달러 |
1 g.: |
7미화달러 |
50 g.: |
96미화달러 |
5 g.: |
19미화달러 |
100 g.: |
177미화달러 |
10 g.: |
29미화달러 |
250 g.: |
403미화달러 |
25 g.: |
57미화달러 |
1000 g.: |
1400미화달러 |